Holy Family Church's "Carnival in Venice" is Saturday, March 1st. Reserved seating and the Pre-Event party are available for those purchasing a table of 8 or more. Celebrity Table opportunities will also be available. Tickets and the sign up to volunteer will go up in early February. Sponsorship opportunities are open now. he event supports the upkeep of our parish and school facilities.
Following all Sunday Masses, donuts and coffee will be available in Fr. Moorman Hall. A free will donation is suggested, and we are also in need of helpers to serve donuts. Click here to learn more!
Wednesday mornings from 9-10am are reserved for children, brought by caregivers, to be with Our Eucharistic Lord in the Adoration Chapel. Attendees will be led in reciting traditional prayers, singing songs, and reading stories about the saints. Feel free to come for a few minutes or stay the whole hour!
Do you want to understand the Catholic Faith more fully? Are you interested in becoming Catholic? Fundamentals of Catholicism is for all adults who would like to learn more about the teachings of Christ and his Church. Click here to learn more!
Join us for all or part of our Lenten Friday gatherings, which include a fish fry dinner starting at 5pm, Stations of the Cross beginning at 7pm, and a Lenten Lecture Series on the Seven Last Words of Christ immediately following Stations. Click here to learn more!
All Middle School & High School youth are invited to join us for stations of the cross in the church from 6-9pm followed by fellowship and fun in the Nazareth House. Invite a friend!
"By Design" is an adaptation of the "All in God's Plan" Archdiocesan program that teaches parents and their pre-teen children about the beauty of human sexuality and its healthy expression in age-appropriate relationships. Click here to learn more about the mother-daughter retreat!
Following all Sunday Masses, donuts and coffee will be available in Fr. Moorman Hall. A free will donation is suggested, and we are also in need of helpers to serve donuts. Click here to learn more!
Young adults are invited to a gathering after 9am Mass with refreshments, an informal Gospel discussion and social time. The group will meet in the Nazareth House behind the church.
"By Design" is an adaptation of the "All in God's Plan" Archdiocesan program that teaches parents and their pre-teen children about the beauty of human sexuality and its healthy expression in age-appropriate relationships. Click here to learn more about the father-son retreat!
Wednesday mornings from 9-10am are reserved for children, brought by caregivers, to be with Our Eucharistic Lord in the Adoration Chapel. Attendees will be led in reciting traditional prayers, singing songs, and reading stories about the saints. Feel free to come for a few minutes or stay the whole hour!
Do you want to understand the Catholic Faith more fully? Are you interested in becoming Catholic? Fundamentals of Catholicism is for all adults who would like to learn more about the teachings of Christ and his Church. Click here to learn more!
Join us for all or part of our Lenten Friday gatherings, which include a fish fry dinner starting at 5pm, Stations of the Cross beginning at 7pm, and a Lenten Lecture Series on the Seven Last Words of Christ immediately following Stations. Click here to learn more!
Following all Sunday Masses, donuts and coffee will be available in Fr. Moorman Hall. A free will donation is suggested, and we are also in need of helpers to serve donuts. Click here to learn more!
Young adults are invited to a gathering after 9am Mass with refreshments, an informal Gospel discussion and social time. The group will meet in the Nazareth House behind the church.
Wednesday mornings from 9-10am are reserved for children, brought by caregivers, to be with Our Eucharistic Lord in the Adoration Chapel. Attendees will be led in reciting traditional prayers, singing songs, and reading stories about the saints. Feel free to come for a few minutes or stay the whole hour!
Do you want to understand the Catholic Faith more fully? Are you interested in becoming Catholic? Fundamentals of Catholicism is for all adults who would like to learn more about the teachings of Christ and his Church. Click here to learn more!
Join us for all or part of our Lenten Friday gatherings, which include a fish fry dinner starting at 5pm, Stations of the Cross beginning at 7pm, and a Lenten Lecture Series on the Seven Last Words of Christ immediately following Stations. Click here to learn more!
Following all Sunday Masses, donuts and coffee will be available in Fr. Moorman Hall. A free will donation is suggested, and we are also in need of helpers to serve donuts. Click here to learn more!
Young adults are invited to a gathering after 9am Mass with refreshments, an informal Gospel discussion and social time. The group will meet in the Nazareth House behind the church.
Wednesday mornings from 9-10am are reserved for children, brought by caregivers, to be with Our Eucharistic Lord in the Adoration Chapel. Attendees will be led in reciting traditional prayers, singing songs, and reading stories about the saints. Feel free to come for a few minutes or stay the whole hour!
Do you want to understand the Catholic Faith more fully? Are you interested in becoming Catholic? Fundamentals of Catholicism is for all adults who would like to learn more about the teachings of Christ and his Church. Click here to learn more!
Join us for all or part of our Lenten Friday gatherings, which include a fish fry dinner starting at 5pm, Stations of the Cross beginning at 7pm, and a Lenten Lecture Series on the Seven Last Words of Christ immediately following Stations. Click here to learn more!
Following all Sunday Masses, donuts and coffee will be available in Fr. Moorman Hall. A free will donation is suggested, and we are also in need of helpers to serve donuts. Click here to learn more!
Young adults are invited to a gathering after 9am Mass with refreshments, an informal Gospel discussion and social time. The group will meet in the Nazareth House behind the church.