"By Design" is an adaptation of the "All in God's Plan" Archdiocesan program that teaches parents and their pre-teen children about the beauty of human sexuality and its healthy expression in age-appropriate relationships. Topics include the purpose and worth of the body, emotions, and relationships to self, friend, sister/brother, and daughter/son. Registration for 2025 is open February 7th until February 28th.
Discover the truth and beauty of the Church's teachings on human sexuality, preview contents of the presentations for both Mother-Daughter and Father-Son presentations, and receive practical tools and suggestions to confidently lead your family in this area. It is the responsibility of the parents to review the agendas and decide if or when these events are right for their child.
Parents who have not participated in a "By Design" retreat are required to attend a mandatory parent meeting: either February 6 OR February 20.
Location will be in Fr. Moorman Hall (Lower level of the Church) for the Feb. 6 Meeting and Kattar Hall (Holy Family Academy) for the Feb. 20 Meeting.
Saturday, March 8th from 12-4pm in Fr. Moorman Hall (Basement of the Church) & Nazareth House (behind church parking lot).
Sunday, March 9th from 12-4pm in Kattar Hall & Crusader Hall (through Portico entrance of Holy Family Academy)
Reach out to Jenny Bullard at [email protected] with questions.