All parishioners in grades 6-8 are invited for pizza, games, and a faith activity in the lower level of the school building, this Sunday March 5th from 12:30-2:30pm.
Everyone is invited to a potluck lunch, fellowship and prayer on Sunday, March 12, from 12-2pm, in the school. Please enter through the portico door in the parking lot. Sponsored by the Tipi Loschi Society.
Watch & Discuss the award-winning film Babette's Feast with Dr. Mary Reichardt from 2-4:30pm in the Sts. Peter & Paul Room. Based on a short story by Isak Dinesen, the film (Danish with English subtitles) recounts a fabulous dinner that transforms its recipients and may be seen as symbolic of the Eucharist. Click here to RSVP so we all can partake in our own feast!
Dance & Social event for ages 21+, singles and couples invited from 6-10pm. Formal attire will be admired but is not required. Please Click Here to RSVP. In school cafeteria, Kattar Hall (enter through portico doors of parking lot). Hosted by the Young Adult Group. Questions? Contact the Young Adult leaders at [email protected].
The residents at Holy Family residence in St. Paul need lotions and facial tissues. Please consider donating lotions and facial tissues. Collection dates will be February 25th through April 2nd. Thank you for your generosity. Click here for more details.